Mother’s Day in America

A day for mother! What is Mother’s Day in America like?

Mother’s Day is a holiday celebrated all around the world. It’s a day specifically for your mother, whether it’s your biological mother or the woman who raised you. In the US, this holiday always lands on the second Sunday in May.

Here in the USA, many people try to give their mothers as much time off as possible to fully relax. Often times mothers are given gifts, too. Common gifts include jewelry, flowers, perfumes, kitchen wares, or anything a mother may want. If someone can’t afford gifts, they may just spend some time with their mother — or at the very minimum they call their mother on the phone for a short time.

Many elementary schools in the US teach children how to make simple and easy gifts for Mother’s Day. When I was little, I remember making a pen that looked like a flower. Of course, as a student gets older, schools devote zero time to arts and crafts.

As you’d expect, there’s always some jerk who says you should honor your mother every day of the year, not just on Mother’s Day. This is true and many of us do respect our mother as much as possible, but if we don’t celebrate the holiday we get in trouble, just like with Valentine’s Day!